
7 Top Tips For Your Baby’s First Holiday Abroad

baby's first holiday abroad

Are you preparing for your baby’s first holiday abroad? Travelling with little ones will change the concept of ”holidays” forever, or at least for a very long time!

But don’t despair, going on holiday with a baby is actually quite manageable while they mainly eat and sleep. It all gets a lot more faffy later! This is the time to go on baby’s first overseas vacation!

Here are some top tips on how to handle your baby’s first holiday abroad.

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1. Manage your holiday expectations with a baby

It’s easy to expect holidays to go a certain way, even with an addition to the family. But all has changed now and you need to be realistic. You won’t be able to go on long treks over the mountains, or lie undisturbed reading a book on the beach anymore.

Preparation is key, so you can manage the day (and night!) away from home. Find out as much as you can about your accommodation, facilities and local entertainment in advance, so you can work out what you need to consider.

You may find getting your baby to sleep or nap a tad trickier in a new and different environment. Be ready to give extra comfort when they wake up disorientated and upset. They may also take a while to readjust when you get back!

Some of you may get lucky with this and find they sleep really well away from home, especially if they get you close by in the same room. Be prepared for all sorts on baby’s first overseas vacation!

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Baby's First Overseas Vacation

2. Packing

Oh, remember the days of travelling light with just a carry on? Those days are over (see my post for packing a carry on only next time you travel without your little one!).

Babies seem to need a lot considering their size! If you already pile up the buggy for a normal trip out, imagine everything you’ll need now. Write out a good list in advance. You may need to buy some travel versions of things or borrow if you can.

For starters, you must consider your pram or stroller. If yours is a big heavy truck style (as my first pram was), it’s not going to travel well. Maybe look at borrowing a lighter one or buying a cheap travel one.

After my little one passed six months we changed to the Babyzen YOYO stroller which is amazing for travel. It’s easy to fold, unfold and is light. It folds up small enough to put over your shoulder and fits in the overhead cabin. This isn’t the cheapest option though, so look at other fold up strollers and consider second-hand or borrowing one.

If you’ve read my post on a baby sleep, you’ll know I love black out blinds. Check though in case your hotel provides them already which happened to me after lugging one there! My favourite black out blinds aren’t great for travel, but I’ve taken pegs to clip them to the curtains.

A good travel alternative is the suction cup ones like these to help the nights go better on baby’s first holiday abroad.

Remember baby bowls, cups and bibs, if you’re at that stage. And of course, muslin cloths have a hundred uses. Don’t forget suntan cream, hat, swim nappies, sun protective swimwear and medications for your baby.

Also, if you’re going somewhere warm, you can pack lighter and wash bits as needed.

3. Remember you can buy more there!

You don’t need to pack a week’s supply of everything. You can just pack for the first couple of days when it comes to nappies, wipes and other bits. Do some research beforehand on the local shops or ask the hotel if you’re concerned but you’ll likely find everything you need easily for babies.

Same with weaning. You can buy more pouches and baby snacks there. Or you will likely find some lovely fresh options (Greek yoghurt was a hit for us!).

4. Prepare for the flight

Check in online, but also go and see the desk when you arrive. Sometimes they can arrange it so you have an extra seat for your baby (without paying of course, that starts at 2 years in the UK and most places).

It’s nice to have some breathing space and not annoy whoever has the bad luck of sitting next to you. If you don’t manage this, don’t stress; your baby will probably be on top of you the whole time anyway. Babies cry. But they also sleep a lot. Don’t worry if you get some dirty looks!

Babies are too young to shove in front of a screen so avoiding overtired, cranky behaviour is key. If possible, look at booking flight times that will tie in well with their usual nap or bedtime.

You or dad may need to pace the plane; bring a sling to make it easier. Check out the stretchy Ergobaby wrap for walking up and down the plane or bobbing away at the back. It’s light and packs away easily.

5. Pick your accommodation carefully

Before having a child I would happily choose the cheapest self-catering option; I was hardly in the room anyway. Now I prefer to have the full list of facilities to make my life easier!

Some mums prefer self-catering, but I feel if I’m washing up dishes, it’s not a holiday. So after a lifetime of avoiding them, I have now embraced an all-inclusive package holiday!

Go for family-friendly hotels which are brilliant if you have a little one. They have activities for all ages and the staff are extra patient. Even my fussy baby that was weaning accepted yummy fresh foods from the huge buffet selection.

Dad holding baby in water - baby's first overseas vacation

6. Try not to do it alone

If you have a partner, you will be able to share the responsibility but what if you don’t? Try to ask or beg a family member or friend to come along with you. Alternately, can you pair up with another parent and make a group trip of it?

It can be difficult to navigate certain parts of travel alone with a child but of course, people do every day so don’t panic. If you are alone, don’t be shy about asking for help with your bags or other bits.

If you are paired up, this will allow you to share out tasks of carrying and watching things, and also allow you to get a break. One can watch the baby while they nap, while the other enjoys some blissful me time.

Some hotels offer baby clubs or babysitting services if you’re comfortable with that or sometimes there are childcare options where the baby is still within your sight. Of course, you might want to keep your first holiday to a place where you are visiting friends or family, so you don’t have to worry about this aspect!

7. Safety

Remember to consider extra safety measures. You won’t be in a child proofed room like at home. Think about what you can bring such as plug covers if your baby is crawling around and getting up to mischief.

Liaise with your hotel or apartment in advance to check which facilities they have and ensure they provide a cot. Many provide travel cots that serve well as a bed and playpen by day.

It’s easier when they are babies as they will always be on you or in their pram. Once they start crawling and walking it’s a whole other story and they need to be watched constantly.

Just remember you need to be more on high safety alert away from familiar territory at home. You need to consider windows that open differently, slippery floors, water hazards etc. Again, this is why a hotel that labels itself family friendly is a good option.

Don’t forget to take extra care in hot weather. Re-apply high enough SPF sun cream, make them wear a hat, keep them hydrated and safely in the shade.

Babies can’t regulate their temperatures as well as adults, so need our close surveillance. This is your baby’s first overseas vacation, so you don’t know how they will handle the heat and need to be cautious.

Q and A’s for baby’s first overseas vacation:

How soon can you travel with a baby?

It’s best to wait until at least two months, since you will want to stay close to home and your healthcare provider in those early weeks when you’re getting used to being a new parent and want to play it safe. You will also have a lot of check-ins for your little one in the early days.

Do all babies experience ear pain on during flights?

No, not always but some seem to be extra sensitive to the pressure changes in the air space behind the the middle ear/eardrum. You can try to distract your baby by doing a feeding, especially around take-off and landing or offering lots of soothing and comfort.

Wrapping up: Your baby’s first holiday overseas

Don’t forget to enjoy yourself! You can easily forget this with all the extra things to consider. Do find those windows to relax when you can (baby’s nap time!).

Our baby’s first holiday abroad was much easier than when she was a year older and causing chaos. Travelling with a toddler is a completely different story! Read the post on how to travel with a toddler by plane next!

After having a baby, you deserve any kind of break you can get. Your baby will love all the new stimulation and distraction a new environment provide. Take plenty of pictures for the memories!

You will look back and remember your baby’s first holiday abroad with such fondness. Wishing you lots of luck and laughter on your baby’s first overseas vacation!

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Baby's first holiday abroad

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