
Finding ‘me’ time as work from home mums – 11 awesome tips

Woman relaxing - finding me time
Image by Khusen Rustamov from Pixabay

Do you need help finding me time as a work-from-home mum? It’s easy to get through the day, month or year and realise you’ve barely had any time for yourself.

Finding me time is essential for self-care and preserving mental health, especially if you’re juggling work and parenting and feeling overwhelmed. Whatever works for you and can be maintained is key when finding me time to take care of yourself.

Me time might be spent with friends if that’s a way you can unwind, or it could literally be you alone in the bath or bed with a book. It may only be 5 minutes a day or longer chunks over the week or month.

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1. Wake up earlier

I know, this isn’t the preference for most of us. But it is usually the best way to carve out me time as a busy working mum.

Go to bed a little earlier, then wake a little earlier and enjoy some quiet me time before everything else starts and you can’t find a moment to yourself for the rest of the day.

2. Limit social media

Another one that isn’t as easy as it sounds, especially as you’re using an electronic device to read this now. But if you can be disciplined about social media, you can really save yourself a lot of wasted time.

You know how it is. You start looking at one thing, then another, then before you know it, you’ve lost an hour reading about something or someone you aren’t even that bothered about.

Limit your social media time and you’ll find you get loads of time back. Use an app like Freedom to block access temporarily or set a schedule to get it under control.

3. Take longer in the bathroom

For many of us parents, hiding in the bathroom is the only way to get privacy and even then it’s limited. So take a long bath or shower and tune out. Play some tunes and put a facemask on.

If you have little ones that can’t be left alone, then dad or another friend/family needs to watch them so pre-arrange your bathroom time!

It’s better if you’re alone (and everyone else is at childcare/school/work) so you won’t have to worry about someone knocking on the door as you’re blissing out.

4. Cut distractions

We’ve mentioned social media but there are other distractions you can cut so you can focus when needed. This will then free up hours for your precious me time later.

Leave your phone in another room and turn off the TV if needed. Look at what else you can cut or avoid to gain more time for yourself during the day.

5. Enjoy your lunch break

When you work from home, finding me time within your lunch break is key. Many people that work from home end up working through lunch and not giving themselves a rest from the computer.

So make sure you take your lunch break. Meet a friend or go out by yourself. Or if you’re at home, take the time to make yourself a proper meal and enjoy it without distraction.

6. Find a hobby or interest

Schedule time for a hobby or interest and you are more likely to respect the timeslot like any other commitment. Re-ignite your interest in past hobbies you’ve let slip.

If you have to be somewhere for an activity or book in an actual class, you give yourself the best chance to stick to it. Or do something with a friend so you’re more likely to stick with it.

7. Exercise

Sticking with a regular exercise routine is a brilliant way to find me time. Whether you go to a class or exercise at home, it will keep you feeling physically and mentally stronger.

It’s even better if you can head outside for your exercise and benefit from fresh air at the same time. If you want to start or re-start running, it can be a great time to be alone and find your flow.

8. Take some time off

If you are struggling to find a window of opportunity for me time, consider taking a half day off work if necessary. You could talk to your boss about more flexible employment such as working compressed hours which could allow for a Friday afternoon off every week.

Read the posts on feeling overwhelmed at work and if you’re able to take a day off work then you must read things to do on a day off alone for plenty of ideas to spoil yourself.

Woman reading and drinking - finding me time
Photo by on Unsplash

9. Meditate or just rest

If you’re a fan of meditation or just want to try it, then it’s an excellent way of finding me time and you don’t need long. Even five mins a day can make a difference.

Try the app Headspace, they have a free trial to see if it’s for you. They also published a book called The Headspace Guide to Meditation & Mindfulness, if you want to learn more. There are plenty of other apps and podcasts on the topic too.

If you’re not keen on meditating, just sitting quietly or listening to music, or lying down for a rest will have benefits, if you’re able to switch off and relax. Even little bursts can really help you get through the day.

10. Make TV time special

If you have a favourite show you like to watch each week, make it a special event. Once the kids are asleep, this is your time (OK, you might need to pause it if they wake up!).

Wear some comfy clothes, have your favourite beverage and snacks ready and don’t look at your phone. These days we are always multi-tasking and still scrolling on our phones while watching TV, but try to give it your full attention and soak it up.

11. Finding me time with kids around

If you have a baby, you won’t have much opportunity for me time, but you can still find pockets here and there. Make the most of their nap time or when they’re entertained in their bouncer or playpen.

Within a year or two, you will be able to steal longer moments when they’re more engaged in toys, TV and siblings/friends. Even if it’s just a few minutes to watch a bit of TV or put your feet up with a cuppa, while they are next to you having fun.

If you need to find me time with your kids around, be creative and encourage them to play independently and find things that entertain for ages. My daughter randomly loves threading activities with buttons and of course, sticker books.

Finding me time – final thoughts

Ask for help from friends or family, if you need some me time and are trying to manage it all on your own. Even little spells of me time will keep you going and help with overwhelm.

If you have childcare but work during that time, you can still make the most of your lunch hour or find a few minutes after drop-off or before pick-up. Once the playdates start as they get older, you can find more me time.

Finding me time is crucial but don’t feel that it needs to be hours every week or month if that’s simply unrealistic. Even a few minutes a day or an hour a week will give you a chance to recharge. Read on for a full list of self-care ideas you can fit into 30 minutes or less!

Prioritising me time as part of your wind down routine before bed is a good way to fit it in & is the perfect time to chill out.

How do you find me time? What’s your favourite thing to do when you can? Maybe doing absolutely nothing is your favourite way to spend me time!

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Finding me time as a work from home mum


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